
Showing posts from October, 2021

Durga Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi

  Durga Chalisa Lyrics in Hindi ( durga chalisa pdf ) नमो नमो दुर्गे सुख करनी । नमो नमो दुर्गे दुःख हरनी॥ निरंकार है ज्योति तुम्हारी। तिहूं लोक फैली उजियारी॥ शशि ललाट मुख महाविशाला। नेत्र लाल भृकुटि विकराला॥ रूप मातु को अधिक सुहावे। दरश करत जन अति सुख पावे॥ तुम संसार शक्ति लै कीना। पालन हेतु अन्न धन दीना॥ अन्नपूर्णा हुई जग पाला। तुम ही आदि सुन्दरी बाला॥ प्रलयकाल सब नाशन हारी। तुम गौरी शिवशंकर प्यारी॥ शिव योगी तुम्हरे गुण गावें। ब्रह्मा विष्णु तुम्हें नित ध्यावें॥ रूप सरस्वती को तुम धारा। दे सुबुद्धि ऋषि मुनिन उबारा॥ धरयो रूप नरसिंह को अम्बा। परगट भई फाड़कर खम्बा॥ रक्षा करि प्रह्लाद बचायो। हिरण्याक्ष को स्वर्ग पठायो॥ लक्ष्मी रूप धरो जग माहीं। श्री नारायण अंग समाहीं॥ क्षीरसिन्धु में करत विलासा। दयासिन्धु दीजै मन आसा॥ हिंगलाज में तुम्हीं भवानी। महिमा अमित न जात बखानी॥ मातंगी अरु धूमावति माता। भुवनेश्वरी बगला सुख दाता॥ श्री भैरव तारा जग तारिणी। छिन्न भाल भव दुःख निवारिणी॥ केहरि वाहन सोह भवानी। लांगुर वीर चलत अगवानी॥ कर में खप्पर ...

Online Age Calculator

5 Best Scientific Calculators For Students An scientific calculator is necessary to be used when you are taking advanced math courses. If you're doing high school or college-level math classes, it's nearly mandatory! Fortunately, the scientific calculator I'm recommending in this review (the Casio FX-991EX) is highly affordable as well as of excellent quality. Here's my list of the 7 best technological calculators. Casio FX-115ES PLUS Texas Instruments TI-36X Pro Sharp EL-W516TBSL 16-Digit Advanced Texas Instruments TI-30XS MultiView HP 35s Scientific Calculator Helect 2-Line Engineering Scientific Calculator Casio FX-991EX 1. Casio FX-991EX ClassWiz I instantly fell in love with this calculator. For me as a very visual person, this calculator was the perfect. It's got a vastly improved quality of screen than the predecessor (4 times better than the model ES model) which allowed Casio to come ...

Random Number Generators

Random number generation Random number generation is a process in which, generally via an random number generator (RNG) or a random sequence of symbols or numbers that can't be reliably predictable better than random chance is created. This implies that the resultant sequence could contain patterns that are discernible in hindsight but unpredictable to the foresight. The real random number generators can be hardware random-number generators (HRNGS) that produce random numbers, and each generation is determined by the current value of a physical environment's attribute which changes continuously in a way that is nearly impossible to comprehend. This would be in contrast to so-called " random number generations" done by pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) that generate numbers that only look random but are in fact pre-determined--these generations can be reproduced simply by knowing the state of the PRNG. Various applications of randomness have led t...

What Is a Calorie?

Calorie Measurement unit Calorie is a term used to describe a unit of energy or heat which is defined. Calorie was first defined in terms of calorie is first defined as the amount of heat required to be produced at a pressure of 1 standard atmosphere to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. In 1925, the calorie was defined using the joule and the definition of the term since 1948 being that one calorie is equivalent to around 4.2 Jourles. Since the amount of heat within the calorie is widely recognized to vary in different temperatures (by 1-percent) and therefore it has been necessary to establish what temperature water's temperature is to be taken to be 1 calorie. Thus"15deg calories "15deg calorie" (also called the gram-calorie, or small calorie) is defined as being the total amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 grams of water, from 14.5deg and up to 15.5deg C. It is equivalent to 4.1855 joules. A few other ...

Why are BMIs useful ?

Calculate your BMI Use our BMI calculator to see how you are relative to height. Body Mass Index ( BMI ) determines your weight in relation to your height. This can provide a reliable indicator of how much weight you weigh is over the, below or within the healthy range. Use our BMI Calculator tool to find out how health your weight is in relation to your height. What do the results mean? BMI Chart for Australia BMI Range Category Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5 - 24.9 Healthy weight 25.0 - 29.9 Overweight 30.0 and above Obese If your BMI is in the range of 18.5 between 18.5 and 24.9 , it indicates that you're within your healthy overweight of the range. Source: The World Health Organization Two adults who are exactly similar in hei...

Age Calculator

Online Age Calculator The trend of the internet is becoming popular throughout the world due there is no time. Also, it is a very busy schedule of people. Since the online calculator for age calculator works extremely swiftly, you'll need to enter your information, and once you have your information is in the results will appear in fractions of timing. The age calculator online has become an extremely easy calculator to use , even when you've got a basic or average academic background , you are able to use this calculator in the appropriate manner. In the present, because life moves speedier than your thought that it is only a moment before you're in India and in a matter of a moment you are doing a workout on Mars and it's very hard to remember your birthday. For those who can not remember the date of their birthday correctly it is a good idea to use this Birthday age calculator is a powerful tool to remember your birthday instantly with the help of Birt...

Random Number Generator

Random Number Generator Utilize the generator to obtain an absolutely random and cryptographically secure number. It creates random numbers that can be utilized when unbiased results are important, for instance, when shuffling a deck cards in a game of poker or drawing numbers in an auction, lottery, or sweepstakes. How do you choose the random number from two numbers? It is possible to use this random number generator for you to select the most random number from any two numbers. For instance, to generate an random number that is between one and 10 and 10, put 1 into the initial box and 10 in the secondfield, and then click "Get Random Number". The randomizer will select one number between 1 and 10, at random. To create an random number between 1 and 100, use the same method however, with 100 as the next field in our randomizer. In order to simulate a roll of a dice the range must be between 1 and 6 for a typical six-sided dice. If you want to create ...

Age Calculation

Age Calculation in Power BI using Power Query Power Query has a simple way that is a simple method of calculating the age . However, because DAX is the most popular language used in several calculations in Power BI, many do not know about the function available in Power Query. In this blog article I'll describe how simple it is to calculate Age in Power BI using PowerBI. It is a method is very useful when it is necessary to do the age calculation can be calculated on an earlier calculated row by row basis. Calculate Age from a date This is the DimCustomer table , which is from the AdventureWorksDW table that acts as the birthdate column. I've removed the columns that aren't needed to make it more readable; For you to calculate your age for every buyer, you need is: In Power BI Desktop, Click on Transform Data In Power Query Editor window; make sure to select the Birthdate column first. Go to the add Column Tab, which is under the "...

graphing calculator

Best graphing calculators for school If a conventional function or a scientific calculator will not accomplish the task well, using a graphing calculator is probably the solution. It's the most advanced type of tool that can be used to study financial, statistical, calculus and much more. However, it often has a considerably higher price tag. The features that you choose to include, you could pay less than $40 and higher than 100 dollars for a single. However, as the expression is true, you'll get what you get for your money. If you don't time your purchase with a good deal, it's likely a decent graphing calculator will cost you around $100. Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE It's a graphing calculator with a high-definition color display Amazon If you require a calculator that is reliable and produce a stunning image The TI-84 CE is a great choice. It's available for purchase at $150, but you can occasionally be able to find it on Amazon fo...


convert to BMP How to Create JPG to BMP for Free JPG formats are popular with users as smartphones are able to view images in JPG format. However, the BMP type isn't so well-known by users since it's utilized in Windows computers. JPG and BMP will work in both formats are excellent to store files on the memory of your computer but it is the case that there are specific differences between the two. They are both generally accepted. JPG are files that have tiny sizes, yet aren't very high quality. while if you choose to make use of BMP format to store the files of your photos The quality of your images will be much better. If you're also experiencing issues that result in poor quality images, you are able to convert JPG photos to BMP with the help of online and desktop software. In this article, we will present five top JPEG in Bitmap converters easy to use within this post. If you're looking for JPG-to BMP conversion online through the web, Uni...


convert to BMP How to Create JPG to BMP for Free JPG formats are popular with people since smartphones all view images that are in JPG format. However, the BMP format isn't as well-known by users since it's used on Windows computers. JPG and BMP is both formats can be used to store your files on the memory of your computer but it is evident that there are some distinct differences between them. It is generally true that JPG are files that have smaller sizes, but are of poor quality, however, if you opt to use BMP format to store the files of your images they will be of higher quality. photos will be better. If you're also struggling with low-quality images, you can transform JPG files to BMP by making use of online or desktop tools. In this article, we will give five suggested JPEG images for Bitmap converters conveniently on this page. If you're seeking a solution to conversion tool that converts JPGs to BMP conversion online, the via the Interne...


Energy conversion transformation of the natural energy into a the form that can be used by humans. Over time an array of equipment and systems has been created to accomplish this. The majority of these energy conversion equipments are simple. The first windmills were utilized to convert the motion generated by the wind to mechanical energy, which was used later to pump water and grinding grain. Other energy conversion methods are more complex, especially ones which draw electricity from fossil fuels as well as nuclear fuels in order to produce electrical energy. These systems require several actions or processes where will go through a number of transformations that take place in various types of intermediate forms. The majority of the energy converters employed today are based on the conversion of that electrical energy generated through thermal heat is converted into electricity. The effectiveness of these devices is governed by limitations to a large extent, in accordance w...


 <h1>  <a href="">Converter Parts Per Million </a>(ppm) </h1> <figure>  <table><tbody><tr><td>      Parts Per million (ppm) Converter for Gases This <a href="">converter</a>calculates what are the ppm values as units, then converts it into the units [mg/m <sup>3</sup>[mg/m 3] ] and in reverse. The unit ppm may be used in a variety of branches and is used in a variety of ways. The usage of ppm must be defined in the fields for input below to ensure that it can be converted into the appropriate unit. For more information on the usage of ppm, consult the manual below.In the field for input on this Molecular Weight field, you can choose from the drop-down menu or enter your own number in the field for molecular mass. If the molecular weight of gas is not apparent to you, then use our Molecular Weight Calcula...